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Starting a Local Alumni Association

Local Alumni Associations (LAAs) are a great avenue for Alumni to continue to connect and provide service to the fraternity. If you are interested in finding out what LAAs are near you please check out our LAA Directory. However, please feel free to reach out to our LAA Director at any time. Provided below are some guidelines to starting an LAA.

What Types of Local Alumni Associations Exist?

LAAs may cover any particular geographic area, and/or may be affiliated with one or several chapters or universities. LAAs affiliated with a chapter or university must operate with the approval of that university’s Director of Bands and Chapter Sponsor. 


Any Local Alumni Association of the KKΨAA may be established and maintained jointly between brothers of KKΨ and sisters of TBΣ. However, these LAAs must simultaneously meet all requirements of the TBΣΑΑ and KKΨAA to remain active in good standing. Policies of the TBΣΑΑ can be found on their website.

What Do I Need to Form an LAA?

In order to form a LAA, you need a minimum of five (5) Kappa Kappa Psi alumni, life, or honorary brothers. All brothers in the LAA must be in full and regular standing with the National Fraternity as reviewed by National Headquarters. These brothers must also all be members of the Kappa Kappa Psi Alumni Association. We offer different types of AA memberships, including an LAA Tier Membership, to help brothers meet this requirement. 

Each LAA is required to have a minimum of one (1) officer, although each LAA may have more. LAAs must also maintain an active membership roster and submit an annual renewal application with a report of activities. LAA renewal forms are due annually on June 1.


Suggested Officer positions include but are not limited to:​

  • President: runs meetings, authority who speaks for the association, main contact with the Alumni Association

  • Secretary: takes minutes, records membership information, compiles reports

  • Treasurer: addresses all financial issues, prepares budget and financial reporting

Chapter Affiliated LAAs

Chapter affiliated local alumni associations must have approval from the Director of Bands and Chapter Sponsor of affiliated chapter. Please reach out to your Director of Bands prior to submitting your application. The LAA Director on the KKPsi AABOD reviewing the LAA application will request a letter of approval. A sample letter can be found here.

Overview of the LAA Application Process

You can apply to be an LAA at any time. We highly encourage reaching out to the LAA director before you submit your LAA Application. The application to form an LAA is the same as the annual report that existing LAAs submit and can be found here for Kappa Kappa Psi LAAs and here for Joint LAAs.  

Once the LAA Application and roster are received, the LAA Director will begin to review the membership Roster to ensure that membership requirements are met. Following approval of the Roster, the application will be sent out to the AABOD for review. At anytime, the AABOD reserves the right to contact the applying LAA with feedback and ask for the LAA application to be resubmitted or other information to be provided. New LAAs shall be approved by a majority vote of AABOD directors.

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