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Need to Renew Your Membership?

Memberships in the Alumni Association run on a calendar year, meaning membership expires on December 31st of each year and must be renewed in order to attend any district or national conventions or participate in any LAA-related activities.

KKPsi AA Annual Renewal Links

KKPsi Life Membership

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

  • What are some benefits of having an Alumni Association membership?

    • Members can serve on the AABOD, attend district and national conventions, serve on a committee, have voting rights in alumni business, join an LAA, and much more!

  • I’m a Life Member. Do I need to renew my Alumni Association membership?

    • Yes, there is a specific form that we have all Life Members fill out every year. This helps us ensure that we have your most up-to-date information.

  • How do I find out if there’s a Local Alumni Association nearby?

  • What are my options if I’d like to continue staying involved but on a more local level?

    • We have an LAA membership tier ($15) for alumni who would like to stay involved as members of these specific groups, without being involved at the National Level. 

  • How do I get a provisional complimentary Alumni Association membership after I graduate?

    • This is granted after your chapter president fills out the Graduating Senior Report. Make sure that the report includes your personal email (not school email) - this will help us stay in contact with you.

  • I graduated in Spring 2023. Do I need to renew my Alumni Association membership right now, too?

    • Nope, that is not necessary at this time! Spring 2023 graduates whose chapter filled the Graduating Senior Report were granted Provisional Membership until the end of 2024 (18 months).

  • I’m a Life Member, and I just completed my membership renewal. It takes me to a donation page, do I need to make another donation in order for my form to be complete?

    • It is optional to make a donation, but not necessary! If you would like to donate at another time, please consider joining the Kappa Kappa Psi Giving Program!

© 2021 Kappa Kappa Psi Alumni Association

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