Local Alumni Associations
Local Alumni Associations (LAAs) are a great avenue for Alumni to continue to connect and provide service to the fraternity. LAAs may cover any particular geographic area, and/or may be affiliated with one or several chapters or universities. LAAs affiliated with a chapter or university must operate with the approval of that university’s Director of Bands and Chapter Sponsor.
Any Local Alumni Association of the KKΨAA may be established and maintained jointly between brothers of KKΨ and sisters of TBΣ. However, these LAAs must simultaneously meet all requirements of the TBΣΑΑ and KKΨAA to remain active in good standing.
Each LAA, with the support of the AABOD, determines how to best meet the needs of its members, through musicianship, social, and service activities. Prior to official recognition as a Local Alumni Association, each group will develop annual and long-term goals, an officer structure, and a recruiting plan for new members.
Why Form a LAA?
There are many different reasons to form a LAA. Some reasons include:
You have a desire to continue serving college and university bands.
You are looking for organized ways to continue to give back to chapters and/or college bands.
You are looking to make new professional connections.
You are looking for other individuals that want to advocate for music.
You want to meet new people with a shared love for Kappa Kappa Psi.
You want to reconnect with alumni of Kappa Kappa Psi.
Upcoming LAA Events
See what events and activities other alumni brothers and LAAs around the nation have coming up!

LAA Resources
This document provides general guidance for Local Alumni Associations (LAAs) to document their events, activities, and fundraisers enabling an effective means of recording and sharing successful endeavors with other LAAs and both the AABOD and TBS Exceutive Council. Please send the completed form to the LAA Director at as well as the Programs Director at Both will save a PDF copy of the form in the shared Google Drive of the corresponding LAA.
This document provides general guidance for Local Alumni Associations (LAAs) to document their events, activities, and fundraisers enabling an effective means of recording and sharing successful endeavors with other LAAs and the AABOD. Please send the completed form to the LAA Director at The LAA Director will save a PDF copy of the form in the shared Google Drive of the corresponding LAA.